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Craniosacral Therapy I & II

CST I  = 24 Elective Hours

CST II = 24 Elective Hours see other electives

Craniosacral Therapy works with the bones and linings of the cranium and spinal cord to restore balanced development and distribution of cerebral-spinal fluid.  This program will provide students with an understanding of the structure and functions of the craniosacral system and include demonstrations and hands-on experience.


Students will also learn how to:


  • Increase your expertise & confidence with basic craniosacral modalities

  • Learn to evaluate and work with specific cranial bone imbalances and pathologies including TMJ disorders and headaches

  • Explore the role of emotions in maintaining physical health

  • Understand your role as therapist in facilitating somato-emotional release

  • Learn specific somato-emotional release techniques you can incorporate into your craniosacral sessions

Upcoming classes

CranioSacral Therapy I (24 hours)

March 30 - 31 & April 6-7, 2019 from 9:00am to 4:00pm

Tuition: $385, Registration Fee: $50

Recreational/non-credit hours tuition: $200 + $50 registration fee

Instructor: Kim Loiacono

Or call (805) 290-4272

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