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Kali News

A note from Abby Nielsen

Dear Students & Prospective Students,         


As you all know the beginning of this year was already dedicated to the Rebirth of Kali Institute. With the horrific fires sweeping through Ventura, it seems the entire county has been forced to have a bit of a Rebirth. The night of the fires was a big turning point for a lot of us. We found ourselves asking some tough questions about what is most important.


That being said, I hope we were all able to take a little time off this year to appreciate what and who we have in our lives. I know I did. I took 3 weeks off, for anyone who knows me; this is unheard of. I went up to Washington and visited with my brother and sister-in-law, then to Oregon to visit my best friend and in-laws. It was an amazing trip. Coming off the aftermath of the fires, I gained a whole lot of clarity and it seems ever since I returned, the universe has been showing me exactly where I belong.


So, it is with a bitter sweet heart and some very difficult decisions that I have decided to step down as the owner and director of Kali. Kali introduced me to my calling and helped me discover who I truly am, now it’s time to honor these gifts once again. I was born to do bodywork, so why in the world am I doing paperwork and working 80+ hour weeks? I’m going to enjoy my family, be a part of my niece and nephews growing up and try to help a whole lot of people find some relief from chronic pain.


I am so excited to announce that the universe has aligned perfectly to bring Kali the very best person to continue this journey. Patty Flanagan will be taking over Kali Institute in June and we are scheduled to resume classes in July. I will be staying on as an instructor and to help with a smooth transition. Please join me in welcoming and supporting Patty as she takes over where I left off and brings Kali to the next level.


Kali Institute has always been a place where people come during a transition in their lives; leaving here stronger, clearer and fundamentally changed for the better. Let’s show Patty and all the new students coming on why Kali is such a truly magical school. 



With Love & Gratitude


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