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6 Western Massage Program Hours see more information about WS/ Section A


Pregnancy Massage

The opportunity to massage a woman during her pregnancy is truly a gift!  Many questions arise about the safety of massage during this time and what special positioning and techniques should be considered.  This class will answer these questions and more.  


Topics covered will include:

  • Positioning the pregnant client

  • Trimester recommendations

  • Precautions & contraindications

  • Reduction of musculoskeletal strain and pain due to pregnancy

  • Nurturing the pregnant woman









Upcoming classes

Or call (805) 648-6204

Pregnancy Massage  (6 hours)

Sunday, December 16, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:00pm

Tuition: $95, Registration Fee: $0

Recreational/Non-credit Hours Price: $60

Instructor: Patty Uribe

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